Relevance of Online Presence for a business.
Let’s reminisce the number of times that your purchase decision was based on a Google search or your visit to a restaurant was based on online reviews and posts on their social media accounts. That is the power of an online presence and, if not managed well, it can be a deal breaker. Your customers are more likely to believe and try you out if your business looks presentable on the web.

There’s a misconception that offline businesses don’t need an online presence but it doesn’t matter what type of business you own, your presence and conduct on the web matters to your customers. Online presence makes your offline stores, outlets and services more accessible for the targeted consumer.
It will help you have a two-way communication with your target audience by gathering insights or reviews. Additionally, it will also enable you to better understand who your potential customers are and what they want. For example, through polls on a Facebook page, a business can identify what offers or products resonate better with their customers.
It is a Passive Marketing stream for your business as customer reviews and page engagement create brand awareness. A Social Media profile helps establish a visual identity of business which customer’s can recognize and trust.
Therefore, a positive digital presence can help you sell more offline.
If you are not active on digital platforms your customers will quickly move toward competitors, a risk that any business cannot afford because every business big or small, online or offline, product or service is ONLINE.
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